Standard Response Wednesday 3

Continuing the tradition of not having anything to write…it’s time now for a standard response of a fellow blogger. You know, those little sentences that make that blogger unique among other bloggers. Here’s the standard response:

Drip. Drop.

Sorry, for the lack of an inkblot Wednesday — TheWriteWife and I are going to hit the sack. I’m really tired (probably from the Nyquil I had to take to get some physical-physical-healing!) and the idiotic liberals are sucking every drop of life from my rock hard political stance (existence?). So when you look at today’s post, what warped part of Rey’s Psychosis do you see? In the end it doesn’t matter: we’ll still be sitting around, having our lives sucked dry by The Man while migrants take all of our jobs. Check out my latest blog-renter.

You won’t see that on his site but it definitely sounds like the one and only WriteJerry ::Raises Glass::

4 responses to “Standard Response Wednesday 3”

  1. we’ll still be sitting around, having our lives sucked dry by The Man while migrants take all of our jobs.

    See, now given what I do and where I work, this statement is not only ironic, it’s close to dead on. Except the migrant workers who suck the life out of me are executives, and it’s kind of delfating to have non-Americans tell you they don’t understand an advertisement created for a culture that they are not a part of, so the ad should be changed.

    (this is so getting me fired, isn’t it…)

  2. (He’s trying to be the next Dooce and using his real name. 2% chance he gets an anonymous coworker fired by some twist of probability…)