Baby Three: Prequel

Just some pics from our 19th Week sonogram, including one 3d pick that looks suspiciously like something I’ve seen before and have comped it up to show the similarity.

Profile: Look at that cute lil’ nose:

Baby Three Profile

Kicking out his/her (we’re not finding out the sex) little leg.

Baby Three Leg

3-D Baby Three

2001 (Actually 2007 now) Baby Three

Baby 3: 2007

5 responses to “Baby Three: Prequel”

  1. How freaked out are you going to be if she gives birth to a glowing starchild though? :) It might even trigger evolution:

    (You know, if evolution was real of course.)

    * * * * *

    So I guess this is public knowledge now? I was at a baby shower last week where a bunch of people seemed to already know about it and were discussing it freely, so I didn’t really try to cover it up since that would have been weird.

    As you remain in the woods, we look forward to the future arrivals of Tiffany, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermot, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumer, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Chloe, Max, Hunter, Kendall, Caitlin, Noah, Sasha, Morgan, Kyra, Ian, Lauren, Cubert, Phil, Witney, Jitney, W, Incest, Crystal Meth, International Harvester, Birthday, Gummy Sue and Rubella Scabies.(Yes, I’m enough of a loser to have looked up the Spucklers;))

  2. I can’t believe that MCF lied and said he looked up the Spucklers when we all know he has their names memorized!

    And b13: I have to choose between this and hunting and I don’t fancy myself running through the woods and hooting while killing something. I do that sort of thing on my computer