MCF Acronymn Test for Linkage Fest

This is answering MCF’s thing.

1) What was the first swear word you learned?
I don

4 responses to “MCF Acronymn Test for Linkage Fest”

  1. I knew I was asking for trouble with that bonus question, lol.

    “Mother Flower” that takes me back. I also liked when you’d say “Harold Christ” to avoid taking the Lord’s name in vain. I miss college. :)

  2. I’m fairly certain that you did and if not, I’m not sure who I could be thinking of.(Unless that was Rob’s impression of your self-censoring…now you have me second-guessing the memory)

    You also used to use “What the freak?”, “Oh my word”, and refer to people as “chumpy”.

  3. Yeah chumpy I’m pretty sure that was a Rob-dition of me, or a Ravindra-dition because even as far as the sixth or seventh grade I remember having a very ill feeling whenever I heard someone curse while mixing any of God’s names in it. For some reason that was a frightening place to me.

    But Ravindra had no such qualms.