The Reynoso’s


HT: exBlogger Curt

6 responses to “The Reynoso’s”

  1. Your family looks awesome, dude. You, especially. I had no idea your look would translate so well into the Simpsons universe.

    I don’t think Reynosos should have an apostrophe in it, though. I’m just sayin’.

  2. Yeah, me neither. I was getting annoyed trying to clone back low-rez clouds on Simpsons so I thought to myself “let me make it an apostrophe and maybe no one will care.” :)

  3. Dude, that’s awesome. I assume you used the Simpsons avatar generator that MCF linked to a while back? I can’t get it to work here. The pop-up to generate the JPG won’t load.

  4. woops. I guess I should’ve linked to the generator instead of just hat tipping Curt. Yah, it was that same site but what I did was do a screen grab of the character then siloed him (or her)out in photoshop for some family goodness.