Blog Envy

At the Bible Archive I ranted about a certain Tim Challies who has managed to perform crimes against the space-time continuum by posting every day (1414 and ticking), sometimes twice a day, while having 3 kids, running a company and publishing a book. In short: I hate Tim Challies.*

Okay I don’t hate him just like I don’t hate MCF who posts link-riddled novella’s just about everyday or Janet who teaches, posts every day and also comes up with the best blog post titles ever or Jeremy who manages to be a professor, a philosopher, a father, review commentaries, make comments on everything from politics and sci-fi to the most profound theological questions (on multiple sites!) and still manages to sleep at night.

How do they do it?

* Disclaimer: Obviously, I don’t really hate anybody much less any blogger. For me to hate somebody I have to be personally exposed to them for a long period of time in which they’ll surely grow to hate me long before I even have a clue that a person is hate-worthy. Honestly, I’m not even super Mr. Grinch Green jealousl I just wish I was a bit more motivated.


9 responses to “Blog Envy”

  1. OK, first you say you hate us for blogging consistently, then add the disclaimer that you’d have to personally be exposed to someone for a long period of time in order to hate him.

    I’ve known you since 1992, now nearly half your life, AND I post every day. By my logic then, you must hate me…

  2. actually, I thought you hated me…

    but I do agree with you and feel your pain. How do these every day posters do it? Ok, MCF just goes to work, blogs and watches DVDs – with the occasional outing tossed in for a change of scenery. All he has is time.

    But with a newborn at home and no job, I can barely post 4 times a week on one of my blogs, and my 2 other sites are covered in cobwebs. And I get in maybe 1 DVD every other week! Heck, comnmenting here meant letting my dinner burn on the stove!

  3. MCF just goes to work, blogs and watches DVDs – with the occasional outing tossed in for a change of scenery. All he has is time.

    That is the single most depressing summary of my life I’ve read in some time. If anybody needs me, I’ll be slitting my wrists…

    …but I’ll probably still keep posting regularly.

  4. MCF: And as your logic continues to jump over what I said (grr) it would also be obvious that you would hate me before I even had a clue that you were hate-worthy.

    WriteJerry: I know what you mean about the DVD’s too. I actually had three sitting at my desk for a month and by the end of the month I thought “I should quit netflix.” Still debating it.

  5. I had thought of quitting Netflix because of the sitting DVDs, but decided I liked the option of having the 3 movies there should the timeresent itself. We’re actually trying to be good about freeing up time to veg out with a movie. it’s easy at-home entertainment, readily available.

  6. I could defintely post more often, but I couldn’t promise profundity. Bloggers that crank out the good stuff on a regular basis are defintely gems to be cherished (also hated).