Perfect Pitch in a Relative Group

In D.C, a small choral group got together to practice. They were classically trained voice musicians excelling in chamber music and using this to minister to churches up and down the East coast. One young man in particular was exceptional in the group because of his perfect (or absolute) pitch; and yet this young man had to lower the volume of his voice when he sang.

My wife explained how the group director would always rely on the young man to set the pitch for the group.

3 responses to “Perfect Pitch in a Relative Group”

  1. Rey, this is great. Matt’s preaching on Colossians 3:15 this Sunday, how the peace of Christ should rule us, leading to unity in the church. I’m not sure how to frame this, either, but it’s a great illustration for something. I look forward to how you work it out.

  2. The first thing it made me think of was the validity of the co-existence of both culturally relevant–postmodern–seeker sensitive churches versus and more conservative, “preach it like it is” type churches. That the latter should always set the tone, i.e. put forth the correct doctrine, make sure things don’t get watered down, and the former should find creative ways to reach all kinds of people with the message of truth and grace.