I’ve reached a point of extreme crisis and I really don’t know what to do or how to go about doing it. I come to this point, this pinnacle of pain, realizing that my own recourse is to ask Someone Outside of Myself. Therefore, here is my message in an electronic bottle: My S.O.S to the World.
Star Wars Force Unleashed is about to come out (Sep 16) on both Next Gen gaming system.
Thing is, I’ve played games on both systems. I’ve reviewed both systems. When I was doing Part Time at a retail store, I sold both systems. But I don’t personally own either.
My solid reasons for not owning either are as follows:
- It’s ridiculous to spend over three hundred bucks on a video game system.
- I can’t commit to all the games on one platform over the other.
- My wife won’t let me.
I started trying to come up with a master plan where I would do some freelance but I found that I really needed the money for Other Things. Like the New Fridge. Or the fact that my health insurance is awful and a kid is sick like every two weeks.
Then I started thinking maybe I can barter freelance. I do X work and you, client, buy me a…and there’s my problem. Get me a what? I still can’t decide.
If I ask B13 his mouth opens and shows me the Windows Logo stamped on his tongue. When I’ve played on the PS3 I found the game loads extremely slow and it did a fair amount of cache writing between game sessions (and as my brother reports, the game loads on Metal Gear Solid 4 are ridiculous). But this is all to be expected when the PS3 games give you a ton more content on its in-system Blu-Ray player while everything on the 360 is still on DVD and you’ve gotta’ pay extra for the now defunct HD-DVD player.
The only games I want are these:
- Force Heretic (on both systems)
- Grand Theft Auto 4 (on both systems)
- Rockband (on both systems–not super into playing by myself, mostly for family)
- Metal Gear Solid 4 (only on Ps3!)
I don’t want to play any of these games online–in all honesty, when I want to play online I play on a real system: my PC. I just want to play these games. But is it immoral to shell out 500 bucks to play 4 (60 bux per) games?
Oh, what a dilemma! Oh what an infinite crisis!
Anyone need any web design help? I’ll trade ya’.
6 responses to “My Gaming Problem”
Buy a Wii, they’re cheaper.
We’ve found that having the kids drop hints around the grandparents usually helps out on stuff like this.
neither. I also vote Wii.
I have really enjoyed my 360 in the past – but after 5 years, there really aren’t enough good games coming out for it. I would imagine similar things for the PS3 – although having a Blu-Ray would be wonderful! Paying $500 for the system is worth it, if you play even one game long enough (Halo2 addiction justified the cost of my 360 :) but then you haveto ask yourself if you WANT to spend enough time on it to justify the money.
We just got a Wii. And my 5 and 4 year olds love it. There are so many fun games on it too… skip the other systems
Unfortunately I don’t think any of the games I want are on the Wii. :(
We have a Wii and a 360. The Wii is a hoot, but it’s all about family fun, not gaming. I’ve never even SEEN a PS3. The 360, IMHO, is awesome not just because of the games but because of how much it can do. Interface it wirelessly with your PC and watch movies, stream internet content, home videos, turn it into a jukebox, etc.
For whatever it’s worth.
My gaming problem is that I’m a hardcore, dedicated Splinter Cell addict … and the next splinter cell game, which was originally scheduled for Christmas ’07, keeps getting pushed further and further back. As of now it’s “tentatively some time in 2009.” I could cry thinking about it.
The 360 will have episodic content for GTAIV that you won’t get on the PS3. I wouldn’t be surprised if MGS shows up on the 360 as well.
You don’t need the HD-DVD for any games. I love it for it’s upconversion of regular DVDs though.
For kids the wii is probably a blast, but I like looking to the future and High Def is the way to go. Don’t look back.
Oh, and if you want High def movies, you can just download them from LIVE… and as of this fall… If you have a Netflix account you can download movies for no extra cost… AND you view those movies with up to 9 other people over live (who don’t need a netflix account)… CAN WE SAY MOVIE NIGHT!!!