Links n’ Junk

In the vain effort of creating structure I’m starting this no-brainer-yet-depressingly-standard-blog-category called (obviously) Links n’ Junk. The links may be unnecessarily uninteresting and in some cases darned puzzling. If I document the links it’s probably for my own confused purposes so don’t be concerned: its me, not you single reader.

A Swedish shadow looms over Apple’s future: play or die. I hope this actually makes Apple change how their purchased music isn’t allowed to be played on anything but an ipod and an authorized itunes.

Darrel had an awesome Copyright Violation Week where he stole banner images, post ideas, etc. It was great. I thought about stealing his wife and posting her on my side bar but after spending hours on a D&D poster I didn’t have much steam to do anything else.

I bought (yay) from GoDaddy (the best place for buying domain names to date. My loyalty to them is absolute…well, until someone better comes along). It was forever unavailable. Now I just have to redesign the main site. ::sigh::

Fun Fact: The genius FedEx logo was created by Lindon Leader. In contradistinction; Jerry uses Photoshop’s twirl feature and calls it an inkblot. Iconic Jerry.

The Invisible Man (by H.G. Wells) is a good book that I (thought I) read, sat down to re-read then was shocked to find that I had never read it before.

2 responses to “Links n’ Junk”

  1. Stealing “a picture of his wife” just didn’t have that particular wicked ring to it. heh heh.