The Resurrection And Me
Every Easter, the History Channel (or the Discovery Channel, PBS, NBC, et. al….) runs a program looking over hot Christian topics: the historicity of the books of the Bible; the myths of Jesus having a family after the crucifixion; stories about where Jesus’ body might be found. The same thing happens around Christmas. Sure it’s…
90-91 Day Bible Reading
I hate New Years Resolutions so you won’t hear one coming from me. It just smells of Law and once something like that rises up, I die and wind up breaking my resolution. Be that as it may I plan to go through the Bible in 13 weeks or 90 days again. I’ve had it…
A Chance For Rey To Win
Do me a favor, go to this link and add yourself to the competition. In so doing, I get an extra submission my way and you get a chance to win as well. Of course, this will do nothing for you if you’re not particularly into theological books but that’s okay. You can send me…
Confusing Characters
“Wow, Saul really did Bad Stuff to David. Hunting him. Throwing a spear at him. Wanting to kill him.” “Yes, Sy: Saul was a bad king. A very jealous man.” “But at least, in the end he turned good and started telling everybody about Jesus.” “What? No, Saul never did that, Sy.” “But, Don’t you…
Thomas’ Lonely Week: Eighth Day
Sunday. The Eighth Day. The door opens and Thomas enters in, the small hot room is filled with men. The meal is being set out on the table. John is wearing a towel, finishing washing Matthew’s feet. Matthew is weeping but there’s no sadness in the tears. "Look who’s here!" Andrew shouting. Thomas waves as…
Thomas’ Lonely Week: Saturday
Saturday. The sun is shining brightly. We are outside of the house, looking in through the open window seeing Thomas standing at the open door. The table is no longer turned over. The stain on the wall is cleaned. Thomas’ personal effects lay neatly on the table, next to his satchel. We can’t hear the…
Thomas’ Lonely Week: Friday
Friday. Knocking on the heavy wooden door. No one is answering. Martha says something about the Disciples still being in Jerusalem and now we can see her walking away, sadly looking over her shoulder. The table is still turned over. The pillows are still in disarray. A smear of dried liquid is on the wall.…
Thomas’ Lonely Week: Thursday
Thursday. “We don’t know where you’re going, how can we know the way to get there…” Thomas growls to himself. “We don’t KNOW where you’re going!” he yells it snidely, grabs a pillow and throws it against the wall.” He kicks over the table and punches the wall “Let’s go with him to Judea and…
Thomas’ Lonely Week: Wednesday
Wednesday. Thomas is at the door, basket in hand waving at Martha who is going back to the main house. The sun is high in the noon sky. He carries the basket back to the table and sits down, heavily sinking into the pillow around it. He takes a big whiff, smiles absentmindedly and opens…
Thomas’ Lonely Week: Sunday
We all know the story about Doubting Thomas and how, in a flash his doubt was wiped away. In John 20, Thomas demands proof for Christ’s resurrection and refuses to believe unless he puts his hand into His side. Well, 8 days later Jesus pops up into the room and next thing we know Thomas…