How Can It Be Wrong If God Made Me This Way?
That was the quote from a recent Law and Order Special Victim’s Unit where a gay Christian young man realized that his pastor father had killed his lover. The young man was part of an extremist group of Christians who performed plays depicting sinners screaming and burning in hell. But his question got me thinking:…
What Does That Even Mean?!?
As you know I like to read, I like to write, and I like to combine both with the Bible (that is reading it and writing about it, not creating new chapters). Some people find reading the Good Book a tad too hard and sometimes, when they hear it being read with monotonous intonations (economics,…
Will You or Will You Not?
I heard some theologian guys saying that Pelagianism is the natural belief system of men. No, I’m not talking about copying someone elses thoughts. Pelagius (not a Sith Lord either) believed that Jesus was a good example (whereas Adam was a bad example) to humanity and therefore humans have a responsibility to save themselves by…
Links N
iLife. Cisco claims ownership of the title “iPhone”. I guess Apple is going to do something annoying cute like iFone. iAnyShoe adapter
BHT Meme
I’m crossposting this at the Bible Archive. It’s a sort of Christianese meme by the Boar’s Head Tavern so most readers can feel free to ignore this post, respond to it (funny or not) with one sentence answers
Links N’ Junk 17
Videos. Darrell has an awesome video that makes the PS3 seem like an expensively bad choice. Jerry links to this fantastic Diary of a Paper Model Blogspotting. I wish I got a chance to go to this show that scoboco went to. MCF put an honest review of the Bible Archive a bit ago which…
Thanksgiving Day: Why We All Do It
I dealt with Halloween arguments here but that’s not my point for this article. Many holidays have pagan origins but I’ve rarely seen a charge raised against Thanksgiving (even though it also has pagan roots). My main premise with this post is to show how far spread certain practices are across religions and how that’s…
Should A Christian Observe Halloween?
Years ago someone from my old church handed me a Chick tract on the “true meaning” of Halloween; it scared me (and it scared Joe Carter
Autism, Television and A Christian’s Responsibility
Mohler (HT: Tim–>Links Below) tells parents to be careful with television and children by first showing an excerpt from recent research showing a statistical relationship with autism and television viewing. People, don’t get me wrong—kids shouldn’t be spending hours in front of the TV, but honestly—Christians, just because you read a bit of research don’t…
Churches and the Cultural Divide
Protestant denominations are generally divided over creedal lines (since the disagreement over practical issues—sprinkling versus immersion—is improvable and disagreement over theological issues is very often a matter of degree: ie; how involved is the Holy Spirit in worship might reflect more in worship style than a Bible to Bible Cage-Match).