Category: design

  • Evolution of Zombie

    Thanks to the great folk at All-Silhouettes for the great zombie package, hip hop package, crowd package and running package. Saved me a ton of work doing silos of me doing all of those poses. Also special thanks to Daniel W. Kelly (NSFW) for his zombie movie expertise and his dire warning that zombie purists…

  • Creative Directors, Graphic Design, and Brand Building

    Up front, everything—even if never touched by a designer—has a brand. Even people or products you hate have a brand. The brand is recognized by the thing or person that is out there, not by a logo. So, a brand can exist even without someone intending it to exist, but it’s there and the public…

  • Bristol Bible Chapel Redesign

    I recently volunteered to re-do the website for my chapel. I wanted to work it up with an original wordpress theme, but without access to the MySQL, I was forced to rely on their current methodology: editing web pages with new info while adding audio. I decided that php would be the best way to…

  • Last Issue of ESPNHS

  • Poking Fun At QR Codes

  • Great Quote Graphic

    Great Quote Graphic
  • Free 2012 Wall Calendar

    It’s that time of year: the cold air bites lovingly, shoppers go nuts with their treasure, Holiday music graces the air waves and the office administrator is wondering if you would like a new calendar. Personally, I’ve found that the standard office calendars (be it desk or wall) are pretty annoying. The best ones take…

  • (Re)Designing:Brand Focus and Exposure

    I’ve long decided that my shortened name (Rey Reynoso not Reynaldo Reynoso) is my brand. It’s the name I use on the magazine. It’s what I use on Facebook. It’s what I’ve been using on my Bible site. It’s what I’ve been using on my most recent edition of my design site. But why not…

  • The 1%: Comcast Rantographic

    An examination of Comcast’s data cap and how the 99% are actually not using the internet the way they should so that the data cap is really pandering to the misuse by the masses while we Geeks are punished for our proper usage. Image after the jump: