Category: design

  • Presidential Image: Designed For Voters

    It’s that time of the season when the cherry blossoms are in bloom; the cardinals are frolicking with the robins; when the morning dew mingles with the morning showers; and where presidential hopefuls start putting their foot forward. Ah, can you smell feel it? That’s right, we’re past the mid-term mark and political muscles are…

  • Questions To Ask Before (Re)Designing

    I hate thinking about a redesign. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind redesigning things. There’s no problem going into a client’s situation and pointing out where they’re falling short or what needs to be addressed to underscore their brand. Similarly, I don’t have a problem getting a design from a buddy asking for advice…

  • Fontisizing Trajan

    So these posts are to display, ogle, applaud, examine and objectify fonts that have crept out of my dreams and onto my designs. Go ahead: fontasize about Trajan.

  • ESPN Rise’s Video Game Issue with Alvin Lee

    During the holiday season over at my shop in ESPN Rise we decided to do something a little bit different with our National Video Game Issue: get an illustrator. Usually we use awesome photography by the industry’s best, but this time we wanted to tap the talent of Street Fighter video game acclaim Alvin Lee…

  • More Perfect Typography

    Tim Brown – More Perfect Typography from Build on Vimeo. (HT: SwissMiss)

  • Fontisizing Impact

    Like an old yenta, a designer is often found matchmaking design projects and fonts.  With so many designs, the designer ensures they have access to as many possible matches as possible. But that doesn’t always work out. After all, the designer, like the yenta, has a certain vision of the ideal font matches. They don’t…

  • Two Design Websites to Watch

    Occasionally I like to link to some random stuff and call it “links n’ junk” but I have two sites here that are so not in the junk sphere that I couldn’t properly label this post in that way. First, we have Designers & Books which describes itself as: devoted to publishing lists of books that…

  • Reformation Day Was On Halloween

    Hat Tip to Marv and Dave for the idea.

  • Towards Valuation of the Arts

    The Arts aren’t important. They’re the cherry on top; the second layer of frosting; a pretty, yet ultimately unnecessary, addition. Really they’re nice, look really well on your living room wall, or playing from your stereo system—they might even make you think pretty things; but really, they’re not necessary. After all, they’re the first thing…

  • Brands, Halos, and Life

    It takes a while, maybe even a few years, but eventually—after the destruction of the second death star, after the death of the Emperor and after Nien Nunb and Lando are cackling—you start wondering about who you were rooting for. These insurgents not only bucked under the authority of Government but they joined hands with…