Category: design

  • Crayon Doodle: Leonardo

  • Taplet PC Dreamin’

    I’ve been flitting around tech stores trying out multi-touch capable laptops searching, hoping, for the perfect Multi-Functional All-Purpose Swiss Army Tech Tool. What I’m hoping is that this tool replaces my leather Bible, works as a note-taking tool, allows me to design anything from articles to websites on the run, and has the sheer work-horse…

  • Apple WWDC 2009

    No, I’m not there but I’m following the live feed on The Apple Blog and Gizmodo: 15″ Macbook Pro, 7 hour battery life with an SD card slot ($1699). 13″ MacBook now MacBookPro, with unibody, SD Card, 8GB of memory, up to 500GB or 256GB SSD drive with backlet keyboard and FW800. $1199 Uber model…

  • Toward Criticism of Christian “Art”

    I’ve been critical of what is usually perceived nowadays as being Christian art. Recently, I got into a conversation where some folk were defending the validity of this or that style of art and stating, quite emphatically, what right do I have to preside judgment over them (citing the Most Well Known Verse of the…

  • Laws of E-Debate

    Many years ago, so the story goes, Newton was bopped on the head by a falling apple and immediately came up with several Laws of Physics. Years later, Einstein was bopped in the head with Time and came up with the Law of Relativity. On the Internet forum I participate in, I have been verbally…

  • Mouse Arrow Moves Screen (Apple Mac)

    For some mysterious reason your screen looks bigger and when you move your mouse the pointer/cursor moves the entire screen instead of going to a specific area. It does also move to specific areas but if it’s past the boundary of the screen it moves the screen. This is part of Apple’s Universal Access panel…

  • A Message Of Hope From The Eye

  • Advertising + Design > Cost + Learning Curve

    In recent years, Apple’s done a fair share of designing pretty products (if not hardware wise the best products) and have substantially increased their exposure to the public with product placement (they’re in Best Buy and Apple Stores) and advertising (no more pretentious posters: now we have the PC Guy vs. the Mac). In all…

  • New Design: Archangel iTunes Album

    Some of you may already know of Scott Roche’s audio novel Archangel which he’s been linking to on his site. Planning to make content available on iTunes he wanted some sort of artwork to highlight the feel of his book and he was hoping to incorporate wings or a feather. I opted to focus on…

  • In Remembrance of John Berkey ::raises glass::

    1932 – April 29, 2008 WikiPedia Moving Walls Gallery Bob Eggleton Irene Gallo Steven Gould SFSignal