Category: design

  • Joe’s Corner

    I love home remodeling although thus far I don’t have any concept of how to do it. I mean, I have the concepts in my head but I’m sure if I put my mind to it, and if my wife (maybe foolishly) supports such an outlandish endeavor, I can (probably) do all right with it.…

  • Rey

  • Rey’s Dream Doodles: Batman and Robin

    Nothing to post, just something I was drawing while the kids were eating lunch. Same deal, one semi-big shot, then a thumbnail that links to the full size image.

  • Rey’s Dream Doodles: Ghost-Rider

    I’ll include a thumbnail that links to a full size image and a medium sample that will be on the page for those who don’t want to bother.

  • Rey’s Dream Doodles: Spiderman

  • Rey’s Dream-Doodles: Gambit

    Once upon the time I had aspirations to be a comic book artist but quickly realized that 1) Comics are ridiculously hard to get into and 2) there are people way better than me. With that, I decided to incorporate drawing into my designs and it’s proved pretty effective thus far. But now, while having…

  • Recent Design: Koinonia Logo

    Bigger size under the read more.

  • Drawing From Puke

    On my left on the faux-wood and hunched over a 12×18 sheet of newsprint paper is my five year old son. In his left hand is one of those rubber-gripped pens that banks use as giveaways and strewn about (yet within reach) are various crayons. That’s where he usually scribbles away but today is different:…

  • Links N’ Junk 20

    tipsN’trix. You did your Christmas shopping at Amazon and you discover that there was a serious price drop on one of the things you bought. Well, Amazon will give you a refund for the difference. But no one wants to sit there refreshing all their purchases that’s why Refund Please stepped into the void and…

  • New Design: Logo

    This design is for a startup canine care facility.