Links N
iLife. Cisco claims ownership of the title “iPhone”. I guess Apple is going to do something annoying cute like iFone. iAnyShoe adapter
Recent Design: 01
From our November Denver issue:
Quacking Around
During our visit to Florida we stayed at my parents’ house and was increasingly impressed (for lack of a better word) by the d
Links N’ Junk 16
Blogspotting. A father of an autistic child writes about his son and life; excellent. Probably one of the most powerful self-portraits I’ve ever seen too. Angry bloggers blog about downed blog service. Fight The Man. Battlestar Galactica’s ratings are taking a hit even though the show is fantastic. You can come up with 101 technological…
Links N’ Junk 12: Old vs. New Version
I’ve been swamped with a self-imposed crash course on CSS consisting of countless reading hours, lots of sweating and bitter tears. But I still managed to stumble across some interesting links. Lifesaver. You were excited by the new version. You upgraded. It stank and your computer just keeps crashing. Old Version comes to the rescue…
School Daze, School Days
My memory is odd. I can remember complex theological frameworks, the wonders of the quantum world, plot points from various books but fuzz on faces and many of my life experiences. I don’t remember my first day of kindergarten….just remember tears. I don’t remember my first day of any school year really—they just form a…
CSS Design: An Oxymoron?
Anyone who does any type of web work had better learn it or at least know it. But anyone who is a designer will look at it and realize its immediate limitations. Before the Coder caste fires a concerted denial of service attack on me, let me bring up the example of an egg. Do…
Links N’ Junk 8: Perceptions edition
Nostalgia: New Coke and Car Seats Quiz: Interesting self-tests at the research center and be honest (MCF). Story: Listen to this: 1980. A certain Ms. Abbie Conant applies for 11 trombone auditions but is invited for only 1. The letter begins “Dear Herr (means Mister) Abbie Conant”. Sounds like Trouble. Tech: Control your computer (PC…
My Brother’s Office
I’m sorry. That post the other day about Blade: The Series was such a fankids rave that I can’t even go back to check the thing for spelling errors. It was like this total geek out moment while watching the show with a keyboard way too close to me. In the future I hope to…
Links N’ Junk 7
Theology: Walking into some theological debates on the web is like a bunch of people swimming out to the deep end of the ocean and arguing about who is more sure of the depth while everyone is treading water. With that warning I’ll link to this post from the Pyromaniacs with the added disclaimer that…