Obnoxious Iconography
Not that kind, this kind: I hate myself for doing it but I keep seeing sites with these little icons like “Firefox Rules” or “I Am A Blogger” or “BlogLines4Ever” or “Pro-BLOG!” so I figured I’d jump in the action with some icon for me and the Geek Friends. Feel free to download them and…
Links N’ Junk Again
What happens when you take all of your personal information and stuff it in an RFID chip? Epassport coming to a country near you. Wal-mart embraced RFID quicker than most. Plans to merge with Skynet Google have yet to be announced. Apple and Nike plan make huge strides in Ipod tech. Buying a car? Make…
Random Pix
The first is a shot I took a few nights back around midnight. I had the exposure sorta high so it might look like the sun. The second shot is my son’s artwork. Or cakes. He was baking (with sand) and set this up on the brick partition in the back of my house. It’s…
Links N’ Junk III
With maps, cell phone access, satellite imagery and (now) helping us shop Google is definitely integrating itself into our daily lives. I can’t wait until Skynet Google launches so I can mark the date down in my google calendar and share it with gmail. Speaking of integration, do you still have a .MAC account? I…
Links n’ Junk
In the vain effort of creating structure I’m starting this no-brainer-yet-depressingly-standard-blog-category called (obviously) Links n’ Junk. The links may be unnecessarily uninteresting and in some cases darned puzzling. If I document the links it’s probably for my own confused purposes so don’t be concerned: its me, not you single reader. A Swedish shadow looms over…
Dungeons and Dragons: The Warrior Requiem
I was one of the geeks that got good grades so that I could play Dungeons and Dragons. I loved the game and really only started to dislike it when I noticed how addicted other people got with it. At that point, I quit—but I still watched the cartoon.
Ten Things That I Would Like To Do
Hang out in the city with my wife and kids ala scoboco. Take my wife and kids and backpack through Europe. Play phenom music. Like Clapton guitar and Connick piano. Sorry, MCF, no tuba. Become an art master comparable to the Greats (without ripping their work): Caravaggio, Chermayeff, Rackham, and Ross. Publish my trilogy. I…
Master Bedroom: Before and After
Here’s the master bedroom before and after (the original is a really bad shot but gets the point across. That there on the floor is plywood after ripping up the carpets). Haven’t put up pictures so the walls look a little bare.
Stairs: Before and After
So here’s the hardwood stairs project when I started it (simply removing carpets to install new ones, realizing that there was gorgeous hardwood there) and after it (stripping, sanding, staining and refinishing).
Surge Protection from Power Trips
Sometimes, our personal opinions surge and we bandy them about. Favorite colors, the perfect movie, the right book, the concept of what “pops”, the proper way to cook—on and on. Opinions are a pretty common thing until one person has the power to enforce their opinion. For example: You pay me to paint rooms. You…