Quacking Around
During our visit to Florida we stayed at my parents’ house and was increasingly impressed (for lack of a better word) by the d
Computer Woes
I’ve been working on the same computer for a few years now, upgrading items like the CPU or the Video Card or going to USB 2.0; it’s been grand. But the recent blowout of my power supply unit had me going to my favorite computer hardware site and buying something with a bit more longevity…
Leave It To
BeaverBloggers: Dealing With Family Life On the WebIf there’s a blog there’s an opinion. If there’s an opposing opinion there is an extreme. It’s the nature of blogging. Extreme liberals versus Extreme Conservatives. Hyper Atheists versus Biblical Extremists. It gets pretty darn annoying when those polar opposites are so blind to everything else that they wind up being a travesty of their…
My Brother’s Office
I’m sorry. That post the other day about Blade: The Series was such a fankids rave that I can’t even go back to check the thing for spelling errors. It was like this total geek out moment while watching the show with a keyboard way too close to me. In the future I hope to…
Random Pix
The first is a shot I took a few nights back around midnight. I had the exposure sorta high so it might look like the sun. The second shot is my son’s artwork. Or cakes. He was baking (with sand) and set this up on the brick partition in the back of my house. It’s…
Scare Tactics
It’s strange that I love scaring people. See, I was often afraid being exposed to Jaws (still afraid of the Ocean), Devil Dog (okay, it stank but that was a long time and it was a hell hound!), and the Exorcist (despite the effects, sleep went on vacation for 14 solid days and I still…
Pictures of Dogwood Battlefield
The Tranquil Dogwood Tree: Note the unmowed square plot of lawn immediately beneath the tree. Sy Triumphant: Armed with bat and ready to do battle. Momma Bird exceedingly nervous. Probably a picture during my running. Of course, I couldn’t capture any pictures of the baby bird lest I would suffer a huge pecking attack. From…
The Battle of Dogwood Tree or Robin-Home Defense
June 1863: General Robert E. Lee, upon receiving news that Federal forces were in Frederick (Maryland), ordered the Confederate Army to come down from Blue Ridge Mountains to meet the Feds in battle. On June 30th, Lee’s recon forces discover that Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) is already occupied by Brigadier General John Buford’s cavalry, dismounted, frightened, resolved…
Ten Things That I Would Like To Do
Hang out in the city with my wife and kids ala scoboco. Take my wife and kids and backpack through Europe. Play phenom music. Like Clapton guitar and Connick piano. Sorry, MCF, no tuba. Become an art master comparable to the Greats (without ripping their work): Caravaggio, Chermayeff, Rackham, and Ross. Publish my trilogy. I…
The Gathering Swarm
Not yet a month since the Battle of Dining Room and we have already seen hints that our insect enemy is planning something. Nothing definitive to present to the UN; but at least I can document my family’s concerns so that we can be remembered. I present the (some may add circumstantial) evidence but you…