Category: links n’ junk

  • My Visual DNA

    Read my VisualDNA™ Get your own VisualDNA™ Nice little thing I got over from MCF who got it from Lorna.

  • Links N’ Junk: Videos Up In Here

    tek. Introducing The Book 1.0

  • Links N’ Junk 22

    retro. Google 10 years ago. Love the logo. (HT: Freakonomics) But then things were right in the virtual world. trek. Opera

  • Day Break Mash Up

    Day Break not ending is killing me. It was a great show with awesome potential then it disappeared with zero apologies and unfulfilled promises of episodes online. That being said, I

  • What Should I Buy: A Mac or A PC?

    Shedding your Luddite skin you decide to join raging tides of modern society by purchasing a computer. You’re intrigued by Apple’s ads and surrounded by PC’s but you just aren’t sure; which territory will you side with? Underneath banners of chewed apples or flying windows, Geeks in both camps decry the evils of their enemies…

  • Links N’ Junk 21

    heroes. Samurai saves police; maybe Hiro finally got his sword. (HT: Curt). Plus, what

  • iPhone

    Remember back when I said Cisco owns the rights to iPhone and Apple had to come up with something cute like iFone? Well, we all know that Apple didn’t so now there’s another lawsuit in the works. Heh.

  • Links N’ Junk 20

    tipsN’trix. You did your Christmas shopping at Amazon and you discover that there was a serious price drop on one of the things you bought. Well, Amazon will give you a refund for the difference. But no one wants to sit there refreshing all their purchases that’s why Refund Please stepped into the void and…

  • Firefly, Serenity and Problems

    So I did a Firefly marathon the last couple of days culminating with Serenity; I couldn’t articulate my original problems until seeing it all back to back. Don’t confuse my complaints for being the rants of a Non-Fan. I love the series and the movie both enough to employ Mal-isms in my daily vernacular. It’s…

  • How To Contact Customer Service

    I’ve had it, I lost it, I found it again. You may need it and since Amazon doesn’t make a big deal about it since they’re so very awesome, I am providing (for them) this information: Amazon Customer Service Number: (800) 201-7575 (HT: Common Grounds). Encourage others to do the same. Happy New Year. US…