Category: links n’ junk

  • Links N’ Junk 16

    Blogspotting. A father of an autistic child writes about his son and life; excellent. Probably one of the most powerful self-portraits I’ve ever seen too. Angry bloggers blog about downed blog service. Fight The Man. Battlestar Galactica’s ratings are taking a hit even though the show is fantastic. You can come up with 101 technological…

  • Links N’ Junk 15

    Myspace. Here a great video by Da Kings of MySpace. (View the video first). Idiocy. Richard Dawkins (vocal atheist) says it’s better that being raised Christian is worse than being sexually molested as a child. Tek. Falcon’s Hypersonic Jet to fly in 2008; looks suspiciously like mini-streamlined Imperial Star Destroyer. Celebs. Tyra Banks goes coo-coo…

  • The Totally Def Music From the 80’s

    I listened to a lot of generally acknowledged junk in the 80s. So if Janet had asked “what generally acknowledged junk did you listen to” I could start rattling off names from the Kids music station (I still remember the words to Weird Al’s “Another One Rides the Bus”).

  • Links N’ Junk 14

    Toys. Build your own Mario, one physical pixel at a time. (HT: Gizmodo) Bots. With the launch of a war machine I think it’s tiime to start painting welcome banners for our Robot overlords. (HT: Engadget) iLife. A Jacket that controls your iPod. (HT: BookOfJoe) And Wiki for your iPod. SciFi. SG-1 Movie coming to…

  • Standard Response Wednesday 3

    Continuing the tradition of not having anything to write…it’s time now for a standard response of a fellow blogger. You know, those little sentences that make that blogger unique among other bloggers. Here’s the standard response:

  • DiddyTV

    I was going to just update my Links N’ Junk but this really deserved it’s own exclusive highlight post: DiddyTV. He “bought a channel on YouTube”. LisaNova wasted no time on blasting him. Definitely watch PDiddy’s first.

  • Links N’ Junk 13 (I think)

    Tips. Convert any media, online, for free. (HT: Doug—who converted this amazing ukulele performance to a file for his ipod but also hates Battlestar Galactica therefore looses major points.) Wii. Nintendo Wii looses beauty points upon revealing it’s (ugly) infrared unit. Blogspotting. Darrel shares a classic spoof Mac Switch ad while ranting about how a…

  • Links N’ Junk 12: Old vs. New Version

    I’ve been swamped with a self-imposed crash course on CSS consisting of countless reading hours, lots of sweating and bitter tears. But I still managed to stumble across some interesting links. Lifesaver. You were excited by the new version. You upgraded. It stank and your computer just keeps crashing. Old Version comes to the rescue…

  • Links N’ Junk 11

    Fuzzy Theology. I believe in the second coming but I don’t think this Paul Rodriguez look a like fits the bill as he calls himself Jesus Christ and spouts completely anti-Biblical things like “there is no such thing as sin”. Web. 25Gigs of free online storage by AMD. ::raises glass:: Now all they need to…

  • Standard Response Wednesday 2

    Continuing the tradition of not having anything to write…it’s time now for a standard response of a fellow blogger. You know, those little sentences that make that blogger unique among other bloggers. Here’s the standard response: Having said that, I should also say that I have never understood the common practice normally practiced by most…