Category: links n’ junk

  • This Data Cap is Fully Operational

    I had posted this some days ago. Today the news came in that Comcast’s 250GB data cap is now in effect come October.

  • Pimp My Firefox: 25 Must-Have Firefox Add-Ons

    Firefox is fast, plays nicely with the web, and is decent with your computer resources. The new version (Firefox 3) is even better, offering a ton of stuff like an address bar that knows what you’re thinking (or so it seems like it sometimes). But that’s not why Firefox is probably the best browser ever:…

  • MCF FAT: XX-Large

    I know the title is M.C.F.A.T. but honestly, it just looks like MCF Fat. I think I’ve said that before too. Anyway, here’s the questions and answers.

  • Top 5 Odd Events of the Olympics 2008

    Yes, Olympic Fever is in the air and everyone with half a broadcast lineup is spending part of their evenings or afternoon skipping NBC or at the very list, mindlessly staring at cool footage online when they should be working. Be that as it may, I have here compiled the list of the Oddest Olympics…

  • Advertising + Design > Cost + Learning Curve

    In recent years, Apple’s done a fair share of designing pretty products (if not hardware wise the best products) and have substantially increased their exposure to the public with product placement (they’re in Best Buy and Apple Stores) and advertising (no more pretentious posters: now we have the PC Guy vs. the Mac). In all…

  • X-Gene

    Jeremy Pierce is on his second draft for his paper on mutants and race. See this is what happens when you take a smart philosopher and couple him with a 90’s love of comics. Priceless genius articles that proves, like most of TV and movies these recent days, that the Geeks are in charge. ::raises…

  • Lost: Jeremy Bentham

    At this point I can’t imagine having to put up the disclaimer that there will be spoilers after the jump?

  • American Idol 2008 Winners

    Well, I was close.

  • The Boy Who Sees Without Eyes

    [Part 1](10:51) [Part 2](10:37) [Part 3](10:20) [Part 4](10:34) [Part 5](05:12)

  • Links N’ Junk 28

    tv. Lawrence explains the Scrubs “Finale” media. Worst comic book villain names. The Jedi Church faces its first tribulation (and here): Vader. Speaking of Vader, he’s feeling blue (ht:kottke). apocalypse. Houston overrun by electronics-eating ants. tek. Pretty girls get whatever they want: I can’t imagine anyone sending me a MacBook Air (He said jealously). Akira…