Category: politics

  • Prepackaged Town Halls?

    Chip Reid and Helen Thomas against Robert Gibbs at the daily press briefing on the “tightly controlled” town hall meeting. Gibbs keeps saying “let’s have this discussion after the meeting.” Also look at how she grills George Bush and how he answers. Video after the jump.

  • Links N’ Junk: Conspiracy Theories

    I was just watching a movie that forced me to research creepy stuff which was irksome enough to allow me to create a Links N’ Junk totally obsessed focused on conspiracies. The creepy thing isn’t so much that I’m linking to this stuff; rather the fact that some of this is actually official documents on…

  • Links and Junk: Politics

    palin. Blip on the radar: Palin cleared but no one notices (except maybe Jeremy who gets the hat tip). voting. A Couple of black panthers (ninjas?) with clubs look scary in a Philadelphia voting locale. Cops show up, shoo one away (the other lives there). Fox News here. CNN Here. (HT: The write Jerry and…

  • A Message Of Hope From The Eye

  • Funny Guys: Obama and McCain

  • Presidential Debate 2008

    Before the DebateWe’re going to see some annoying banter no doubt: like Obama’s 8 houses comment again and I have a feeling McCain has a response (probably in regards to Obama’s ridiculously priced house). McCain often does a good job with in your face sincerity but Obama does a good job of quick thinking on…

  • Obama: President of the Harvard Law Review

    This has come up enough times that I thought I should say something about it. Folk like to raise the Obama Harvard Law Review thing to prove scholarly level of intelligence and qualification. Thing is, I don’t think people have to do that. They should point to the fact that he went to Columbia and…

  • Sarah Palin Rumors

    Huge hat tip to Jeremy for linking to these sites. The first is one that focuses on the sexist commentary toward/around/about Sarah Palin. There’s nothing wrong with submitting a vice presidential candidate to scrutiny but some of this scrutiny is simply ridiculous. Like newspaper articles that focus on the fashionable way she dresses–ridiculous stuff like…

  • Fact Checking the GOP

    Here’s a direct quote from and you can read the full article over yonder. Is anyone else annoyed that all I’m posting is politics? Anyway: Joe Lieberman and his former Senate colleague Fred Thompson both made misleading claims about Obama in their prime time GOP convention speeches on Tuesday. We’ve heard two of them…

  • Jeremy Pierce, Barack Obama and Abortion

    Take 15 minutes. Go read this. Also read the comments. Honestly, you don’t have to participate but Jeremy does an excellent job of thinking through the issues as do his commenters. Barack Obama has basically declared himself incompetent to make any judgments on one of the key issues of our day, and I have to…