Category: rants

  • Shotgun Reviews

    A scattering of stuff I’ve seen (or listened to or ate or read, etc) that I’ve considered writing individual posts, realized no one would care and decided to jot something down for my memories sake. Silent Hill: Horrifying. Couldn’t sleep. I hope I can sleep tonight… High School Musical: Surprisingly fun. I guess I should…

  • CSS Design: An Oxymoron?

    Anyone who does any type of web work had better learn it or at least know it. But anyone who is a designer will look at it and realize its immediate limitations. Before the Coder caste fires a concerted denial of service attack on me, let me bring up the example of an egg. Do…

  • Leave It To Beaver Bloggers: Dealing With Family Life On the Web

    If there’s a blog there’s an opinion. If there’s an opposing opinion there is an extreme. It’s the nature of blogging. Extreme liberals versus Extreme Conservatives. Hyper Atheists versus Biblical Extremists. It gets pretty darn annoying when those polar opposites are so blind to everything else that they wind up being a travesty of their…

  • Obnoxious Iconography

    Not that kind, this kind: I hate myself for doing it but I keep seeing sites with these little icons like “Firefox Rules” or “I Am A Blogger” or “BlogLines4Ever” or “Pro-BLOG!” so I figured I’d jump in the action with some icon for me and the Geek Friends. Feel free to download them and…

  • Smurfs vs Hobbits

    Recently MCF posited a scenario: Smurfs vs. Hobbits. After several submitted articles across a very small corner of the blogosphere, the results came in with most voting for Hobbits due to their size. Many would say “they can crush the smurf, forthwith.” MCF on the other hand stood with the Smurfs and pointed out that…

  • Superman Returns

    There are people who will write a point by point review of Superman Returns while linking to actor names and obscure references (coff: Mcf). I just want to document the thoughts and feelings I had before, during and after watching the movie. This post does contain spoilers.

  • Links N’ Junk III

    With maps, cell phone access, satellite imagery and (now) helping us shop Google is definitely integrating itself into our daily lives. I can’t wait until Skynet Google launches so I can mark the date down in my google calendar and share it with gmail. Speaking of integration, do you still have a .MAC account? I…

  • Dirty Rotten Apple Core

    Bites. Stinks. Pure garbage. Junk. Pick a euphemism. I count the works of Apple nothing but skubalon (google: Philippians 3:8 + skubalon). Before Mac-Geekdom retaliates with sworn allegiance to Jobs and hire a PC programmer to launch a DOS (denial of service, MCF) attack against my UNIX server, note the apple marks on my hand:…

  • Bloggers and Forums and Posts–Oh My!

    Start with a catchy introduction. Insert a sobering word-painting of a dark futuristic landscape. Offer no solutions and pose everything as a question. Insert strategic read more link here…

  • Don’t Fear The Blogger

    I was surfing the web the other day and came across a blogger (I completely lost the link or even the method I got to it) who posted the song “Don’t Fear the Reaper” by Elliot Smith wondering what the song was about. One of his commentors said the song was about living in the…