Oats: Day Nine
I may have something and I have to give mad props to Betty Crocker, Brian, my Parents, my wife…the list goes on.
Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day the Seventh
Betty Crocker has a Cinnamon Oats recipe. Discovering that my pantries were void of raisins, I opted to rest on the seventh day as well and gather materials. I was also going to pick up some nutmeg but my wife found it in the back of the cabinet. I have no more excuses.
Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day the Sixth
I rested from my labors.
Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day the Fifth.
I cooked three batches of the Oats today.
Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day the Fourth
I decided to try cooking the instant oats with about one quarter cup of regular oats.
Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day the Third
I tried the Apples and Cinnamon oats again.
Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day the Second
The project continues.
Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day The First
Today, as a baseline, I decided to eat oats with nothing but a pinch of salt. It was everything I remembered: it was awful. Introduction
Oats, How I Hate Thee: Let Me Count the Ways
I hate Oats. At age thirteen, I already had a proclivity towards hating the stuff. Calvinists, would say I had a total inability to like it on account of my parent’s choice to feed me cream of wheat, every Sunday, without fail. So when I tried Oats back then my hatred was to be expected…
Wife Reviews: Horton Hears A Who
I doubt this will be a permanent feature to my blog and if it remains, it’ll probably show up as often and as regularly as I post (heh). That being said, here’s my wife Laura reviewing the movie Horton Hears A Who.