Category: rants

  • 12 Drummers Drumming Awful Christmas Songs

    Anyone who has ever worked with me knows that sometime around September fifteenth I begin listening to Christmas music and don’t stop until late January. Anyone who is close to me knows that my Christmas tree goes up on Black Friday and comes down sometime after Valentine’s Day. I have no problem telling everyone that…

  • How Should A Christian Act Under A President He Didn’t Want?

    A lot of Democrats (including those of the Christian persuasion) have been making a lot of noise about Obama winning the Presidency. They haven’t been making as much noise about a Democrat House and Senate but the noise has been there nevertheless. At points some of these same people (Christians included) come up to me…

  • Prisonbreak: Linc’s Genius Plan

  • Funny Guys: Obama and McCain

  • Obama: President of the Harvard Law Review

    This has come up enough times that I thought I should say something about it. Folk like to raise the Obama Harvard Law Review thing to prove scholarly level of intelligence and qualification. Thing is, I don’t think people have to do that. They should point to the fact that he went to Columbia and…

  • Sarah Palin Rumors

    Huge hat tip to Jeremy for linking to these sites. The first is one that focuses on the sexist commentary toward/around/about Sarah Palin. There’s nothing wrong with submitting a vice presidential candidate to scrutiny but some of this scrutiny is simply ridiculous. Like newspaper articles that focus on the fashionable way she dresses–ridiculous stuff like…

  • Fact Checking McCain

    Full article over at (HT: Daniel) McCain claimed that Obama’s health care plan would “force small businesses to cut jobs” and would put “a bureaucrat … between you and your doctor.” In fact, the plan exempts small businesses, and those who have insurance now could keep the coverage they have. McCain attacked Obama for…

  • Fact Checking the GOP

    Here’s a direct quote from and you can read the full article over yonder. Is anyone else annoyed that all I’m posting is politics? Anyway: Joe Lieberman and his former Senate colleague Fred Thompson both made misleading claims about Obama in their prime time GOP convention speeches on Tuesday. We’ve heard two of them…

  • This Data Cap is Fully Operational

    I had posted this some days ago. Today the news came in that Comcast’s 250GB data cap is now in effect come October.

  • Begging Which Question?

    Once upon a time, folk would stand in a circle, before an audience, and debate things. No, not Jerry Springer. I’m talking about the Old Days before TV. To establish the grounds for the debate the two folk arguing would first state what they’re arguing for (or against) and then proceed with given statements. The…