Category: rants

  • Goodbye Internet Golden Age…It Was Fun

    Let me break down some numbers for you that I gathered from both the Barna Group and the US Census site. As of 2005 84% of all US adults own a DVD player. About 30% of Americans own a laptop. Two-thirds of US households have Internet access. 19% owned an ipod or an mp3 player.…

  • This Film is Not Yet Rated

    I’m currently watching this documentary on IFC called “This Film is Not Yet Rated”. They’re going through and showing all these little tidbits of information like the MPAA is run by mostly unknown people who are stated to have children between the ages of 2 and 19 really have kids who are in their upper…

  • Top 10 Reasons To Avoid "X-Files: I Want To Believe"

    This will have spoilers. That being said here goes:

  • My Swing Vote

    On Theologica, my recent haunt of many a high-octane discussion, there’s a thread regarding Christian voting and the abortion issue. The question is if the issue is so central that it will decide your vote. Well me, most definitely. I will always vote against anyone who not only supports abortion but also plans to expand…

  • Words That Never Prove Your Point

    You ever been to work or maybe a message board when someone has an argument and proves their point in such a way that you’re left scratching your head? Or maybe you have siblings that have triumphantly left the room and you don’t know why: it feels like they won but you’re not sure? Or…

  • Junk and…Well Junk

    Warning: there be spoilers in these waters. What was the last thing I spoke about? I don’t even remember anymore. It’s been a frighteningly busy couple of weeks jam packed with meetings, designing, freelance, and Vacation Bible School. Worst I even became part of this theological discussion site that is so absurdly addicting that I…

  • Apple’s File Name Extensions: A Rant

    Extensions, for all you Mac users, is the three to four letter attachment to the end of a file name which flags it underneath the header of a specific program or application type. It tells the computer what encoding is in the file so that the computer knows what to do with it. Coming in…

  • I-M Conversation: Narnia

    (10:19:16 PM) Niece: just got home from narnia!!!!!!! (10:19:24 PM) rey: hate you. I haven’t seen it yet (10:19:29 PM) reybeez: say nothing (10:19:32 PM) Niece: ha (10:19:33 PM) Niece: I won’t (10:19:33 PM) rey: did you cry? (10:19:44 PM) Niece: no i didn’t (10:19:49 PM) rey: SAY NOTHING! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU AND SPOILERS!??!

  • From The Lips of Babies

    "Sy, climb up because this may be your last chance." "Huh? Why is it his last chance?" The little girl that who had just apparated didn’t seem at all concerned with asking me a question on a topic that didn’t concern her but I felt I should explain anyway. "The thing is that this place…

  • Based on a True Story

    A good introduction is like a good pair of shoes: when it fits it’ll go a long way. On the big screen, right after the title credits you see that line and automatically you start expecting historical fiction. Oh you’ll easily acknowledge what parts are fact (like the Revolution, or the signing of documents) and…