Category: rants

  • Choke Hold

    In an unlit, hard to reach part of your mind, there’s a door. It’s probably locked but its so remote that it really doesn’t have to be. No one walks on that part of your mind and sometimes (very rarely) you peek around, shed a little light just to make sure its there, before turning…

  • American IDrool: My American Idol Picks

    Another winter, another season of American Idol. I can’t stand this show that invariably draws me in from another room in the house and forces me to hate and love some of the performers. I mean honestly, I’m so done with this show taking away valuable script writing time (okay, someone wrote in and the…

  • Lost: Ominous Music

    Spoilers below

  • Apple Stuff 2008

    Steve unveils the new airbook (absurdly sexy, ridiculously thin and absurdly stupid without an optical drive and without the ability to change your battery); iPhone gets some features it should’ve had anyway; Apple decides to make us pay for stuff that should’ve been on the iPod Touch anyway (and which was put on it for…

  • Mandatory Post-NH-Primaries…um…Post

    Politics: I don’t like it. I try to avoid talking about it because I find that people get more heated about their Presidential hopeful than they do about the person of Christ or if Buddhism actually works

  • The Kaijo

    Normally I’m tired when waking up 4:30am, but not that Sunday. I was excited about the passage I was preaching on. Normally, I don

  • Clothes Makes the Church Man

    So I was at church and the preacher took off on a tangent about clothes. His point went something like this: 1) We wear our best clothing when we are near Important People. 2) Jesus is Important. 3)Jesus says

  • The Men in Black

    Besides weirdisms, X-Files was known for its intricate conspiracy theories. How many times did we sit there, hanging on Mulder

  • Do The Evolution

    Evolution is a funny word that gets bandied about. Saying it in different context evokes different responses, sometimes laughter and sometimes justified anger. In fact, I

  • I Say Doctor! Let Me Get This Straight

    At ten o’clock I was laying back, exhausted from lack of sleep, trying to get comfortable in a hospital chair that functioned as an equally uncomfortable bed. Cradled in my left arm was my re-hydrated daughter, I.V. still attached to her hand but exhausted from being up most of the night and finally meeting dawn…