Computer Woes
I’ve been working on the same computer for a few years now, upgrading items like the CPU or the Video Card or going to USB 2.0; it’s been grand. But the recent blowout of my power supply unit had me going to my favorite computer hardware site and buying something with a bit more longevity…
Electorial Woes
For arguments sake, let’s say we’re on the same political party; for the remainder of the article that’s what I’ll be. From a raving religious right Christian confirmative toting the Republican banner to a liberal left civil centralizing Democrat
Deal Or No Deal
Central Floridian’s don’t pay to get into their major attractions; or so it seems. Those Places devour the limited job market and therefore Floridians get find themselves taking these underpaid positions: with the perks of free passes. If you don’t have family who can get you into Those Places for free, you can find Someone…
Inter State of Mind
Interstate highways are the great equalizers. Case in point: I-95. Every state along the East Coast has a distinction that makes it unique amongst the rest. But when on I-95 it just doesn’t matter; everything looks the same. So you might start driving at say 7:30 AM, pass through several states and find yourself around…
Lube Me Up, Buttercup
A friend once said that the clinical definition of insanity is a person who repeatedly does the same exact thing while fully expecting different results. I don’t know how accurate that definition is but I do see his major premise: if you keep repeating the mistakes you are at the very least a moron. “Hello.…
Autism, Television and A Christian’s Responsibility
Mohler (HT: Tim–>Links Below) tells parents to be careful with television and children by first showing an excerpt from recent research showing a statistical relationship with autism and television viewing. People, don’t get me wrong—kids shouldn’t be spending hours in front of the TV, but honestly—Christians, just because you read a bit of research don’t…
Shotgun Reviews 2
A scattering of stuff I’ve seen (or listened to or ate or read, etc.) that I’ve considered writing individual posts about, realized no one would care and decided to jot something down for memory’s sake. This is the second installment.
I was going to just update my Links N’ Junk but this really deserved it’s own exclusive highlight post: DiddyTV. He “bought a channel on YouTube”. LisaNova wasted no time on blasting him. Definitely watch PDiddy’s first.
Links N’ Junk 11
Fuzzy Theology. I believe in the second coming but I don’t think this Paul Rodriguez look a like fits the bill as he calls himself Jesus Christ and spouts completely anti-Biblical things like “there is no such thing as sin”. Web. 25Gigs of free online storage by AMD. ::raises glass:: Now all they need to…
Apple Keynote: Taking Over Your iLife
iPod: 60% brigher screen. Increased battery life (which it desperately needed). New headphones. Gapless playback on digital music (matching their (old) iTunes feature of crossfade slightly). Instant searching for music. You can play games on the iPod now (albeit sucky ones when you consider what PSP has but their point is to ad a perk…