Category: reviews

  • Presidential Image: Designed For Voters

    It’s that time of the season when the cherry blossoms are in bloom; the cardinals are frolicking with the robins; when the morning dew mingles with the morning showers; and where presidential hopefuls start putting their foot forward. Ah, can you smell feel it? That’s right, we’re past the mid-term mark and political muscles are…

  • Regina Clark on Southland

    Out of all the leading ladies sparkling on TV today, one of them is leading the charge without fulfilling some sort of character mold or being overly weird. Regina King plays Detective Lydia Adams on TNT’s hit police drama Southland, a show already known for breaking the rules.

  • Goodbye 2010: Decade in Review and Junk

    In our lifetime we’ll only get a few moments to wax poetic and review things from our narcissist pinnacle, and with MCF now being gone from the blogging world, I am left picking up the slacker’s slack. In this post, I want to flashback over the last ten years and declare, as only a person…

  • The Constitution: Let There Be…A Nation

    We the People of the United States…do ordain I noted that the preamble really wasn’t the setting down of laws, rights or anything but I purposefully didn’t mention the monumental importance of the language that was used. The States of the Americas were already labeled “united” in the Articles of Confederations—but nowhere near the way…

  • Cheap Wireless For Mac

    I recently moved a Mac Tower running 10.4 to another room to make room for an upgrade machine with a monster sized screen. Unfortunately I smacked right into a problem: my Ethernet cables aren’t located anywhere in that room. I wound up having to look at Wireless Adapters but I had a case of Apple…

  • Lost: The Dénouement (with Spoilers)

    Television and movies have a tough time going about the long-foregone literary device of the dénouement. If you recall, the dénouement is that point of the story where the dust settles for the characters and readers—not necessarily where plot lines are tied. It is that point after the crisis (which television and movies have trained…

  • Top 9 Stand-Up-And-Applaud Movie Scenes

    There are times in a movie theater, or on a dvd, that I’ll actually applaud; be it with the characters on screen, with the people next to me, or just for my own one man audience. Scenes that are so good that not only are they eternally etched in my mind—I will (well, except for…

  • Fall 2009 TV Season

    In this post I refer to the television season as an actual season of the year. So the Fall Season is one season and the spring season is a second season, even if television (20-26 episodes = 1 season) doesn’t work like that. I use this vernacular because sometimes shows don’t come back after January…

  • Racism, Bloggers and Being Black

    On Facebook, I’ve seen some Pennsylvania friends calling for the (I think wrongful) boycott of a local businessman on account of his perceived racism with a link to a blog post on Obama’s inauguration as proof. I followed the link and didn’t think it was racist (though one phrase could have been de-contextualized as such)…

  • My Take On the Health Reform Bill

    I spent a week reading through the massive (1017 pages-pdf warning) Health Reform Bill, HR3200, and I’ve noted areas of personal interest. This post will not be exhaustive (sorry; that would be impossible), but it will list (1) things that I thought the Bill did a good job with, (2) areas of personal concern and…