…Went Up The Water Spout
So I’m in my backyard deweeding and coming closer to the flowers when I find this gorgeous and frightening spider (Golden Orb Weaver) that ran toward my hand when I brushed up against its web. Note the distinct web pattern: gorgeous.
The Return
It’s been over a year since the war started. At this point I’m not quite sure when it started (was it the incursion into my open kitchen, was it the mowing under their Dogwood
The Bugs Strike Back
I can’t believe it. After several failed attempts at my home (and my blog, curse them) the bugs have launched a soft-target campaign. I guess they realized that the bug spray I put down was a bit too hefty (although it hasn’t stopped them from breaching my air space). Instead they have unearthed a specialized…
General’s Journal: A Bug’s Life
Colony Date 1,657,234. Hour: Bright The Human Male Drone has been active. In the early Bright, we’ve noted a repeated watering of points of incursion along the perimeter of his colony. There’s no soil there or plants so we have found it all very perplexing. Said activity began after the Queen Human and one of…
Pictures of Dogwood Battlefield
The Tranquil Dogwood Tree: Note the unmowed square plot of lawn immediately beneath the tree. Sy Triumphant: Armed with bat and ready to do battle. Momma Bird exceedingly nervous. Probably a picture during my running. Of course, I couldn’t capture any pictures of the baby bird lest I would suffer a huge pecking attack. From…
The Battle of Dogwood Tree or Robin-Home Defense
June 1863: General Robert E. Lee, upon receiving news that Federal forces were in Frederick (Maryland), ordered the Confederate Army to come down from Blue Ridge Mountains to meet the Feds in battle. On June 30th, Lee’s recon forces discover that Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) is already occupied by Brigadier General John Buford’s cavalry, dismounted, frightened, resolved…
Ten Things That I Would Like To Do
Hang out in the city with my wife and kids ala scoboco. Take my wife and kids and backpack through Europe. Play phenom music. Like Clapton guitar and Connick piano. Sorry, MCF, no tuba. Become an art master comparable to the Greats (without ripping their work): Caravaggio, Chermayeff, Rackham, and Ross. Publish my trilogy. I…
The Gathering Swarm
Not yet a month since the Battle of Dining Room and we have already seen hints that our insect enemy is planning something. Nothing definitive to present to the UN; but at least I can document my family’s concerns so that we can be remembered. I present the (some may add circumstantial) evidence but you…
Survival of the Fittest Ex-New Yorkers
Adaptation, say evolutionists, is key to survival. A creature , out of its natural habitat has three choices: completely change an ecosystem (imagine an MCF link to a Simpsons episode here), die or become part of the system. As a city-born, native New Yorker now relocated to the downright rural, I must adapt to my…