Theology: Walking into some theological debates on the web is like a bunch of people swimming out to the deep end of the ocean and arguing about who is more sure of the depth while everyone is treading water. With that warning I’ll link to this post from the Pyromaniacs with the added disclaimer that I don’t agree with everything he says nor with what the commenters say but it is interesting to think about.
Tek: Polyurethane forcefield for your laptop (HT: Gizmodo).
Tek-Wars: A dispute over an X-Box leads to arson (HT: Engadget).
Art: No highlighted artist this week—but that doesn’t mean I’m at a loss. Photorealistic Vector Art means nothing to most people but graphic designers everywhere will likely tip a hat (and kow-tow) when they see what people can do with Illustrator.
Blogspotting: Slate’s David Plotz is up to Numbers in his blog through the Bible series—he’s not a Christian. Also, a new blog with a focus on being human in art, faith and science (HT: Jeremy).
TV: Big Ideas has some cool Veggie Tale wallpaper downloads. One of them in particular features Larry in front of a huge computer console with some distinct numbers on the screen. (HT: Brian)