I’ve been working on the same computer for a few years now, upgrading items like the CPU or the Video Card or going to USB 2.0; it’s been grand. But the recent blowout of my power supply unit had me going to my favorite computer hardware site and buying something with a bit more longevity with the changing times: Corsairs HX620W power supply. It’s a gorgeous piece of equipment with modular components for versatility and increased in-case airflow. The only problem is that my motherboard apparently doesn’t support it.
Oh I couldn’t find any documentation to back up this observation, but plugging the badboy in and having my system power up for 1 second before shutting down was pretty much a sure sign. My old mobo raised it’s tired head and said “620 Watts? Nah. I’ll pass.”
So it’s not fried, it’s just refusing to power up with that power supply. My dilemma is to either shop for an old power supply (taking several steps back and expecting another blow out) or move forward and get a new mobo.
But alas, the times have changed. There are a whole lot of changes in the computer landscape forcing a mandatory upgrade of everything from Ram to Hard drives. It’s a significant cost (check out the list on newegg) so now I’m writing from my company’s Mac (::sigh::).
15 Years of notes are being transferred to another computer as we speak, as well as 63Gigs of music and sermons. Thankfully my Logos software is also on my laptop so I haven’t lost access to that resource but now I’m confined to the heavy restrictions of the Apple OS (those are the magic words to summon the Apple-Zombies Thriller style).