Good News Film Reviews Movie Meme

MCF tagged me on this Good News Film Reviews Movie Meme so I figured I should surprise him and actually do this thing. I probably won’t tag anyone else since it’d be less embarrassing than tagging and have no one respond.

  1. Which actor do you think hasn’t gotten the attention he/she deserves?
    Nathan Fillion comes to mind. Sure he’s gotten plenty of roles but just about every single thing I’ve seen him in wounds up not getting the exposure the man deserves. (Media exposure I mean: the dude was naked in Firefly.) Drive (he was the only reason teh show was worth watching) gets cancelled. Firefly, cancelled and Serenity applauded by geeks. Bit roles left and right. Even in Waitress where he played an adulterous doctor, he was still awesome (I mean, who else can deliver the line  “I need to go now and deliver a baby. Because that’s what I do. Deliver babies” with that perfect, straight faced expression and level you out on the ground? No one but Nathan). I don’t know if its his haircut or what, but the media eye seems to just overlook him.

    Followed quickly by Rena Sofer. I mean honestly, why is it that all she gets is background roles? That woman belongs in front of the camera acting her heart out. I think I’ve loved her since Seinfeld.

  2. What is your favorite movie line?
    “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!” Dr. Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters. It makes more sense in the context but it was a solid line.
    “I’m your huckleberry.” Doc Holiday, Tombstone
    “No. Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.” Yoda, Empire Strikes Back
    “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you…” Yoda, The Phantom Menace
  3. What are the absolute worst movies you’ve ever seen?
    Gigli was really bad. Troy was pretty dumb. Swordfish was amazingly stupid. The Search for Spock almost made me quit Star Trek altogether (so did The Final Frontier). Jaws: The Revenge was pretty painful with Wife vs. Shark. That 1976 King Kong was downright awful (seriously, Kong mollests a human and hippies cheer for Kong as he destroys tanks) ending with Kong falling to his death. On top of all of these is the 1986 King Kong Lives when the ’76 Kong (we find out) survived the fall from the Empire State Building, is on life support and meets a lady ape. My goodness, this was bad. But the worst movie I’ve ever seen was Beloved. The story of a slave, love, ghosts and—blah blah blah—it starred Oprah Winfrey and at one point, she squatted and peed.
  4. Is there a movie you hated when you first saw it and then later had to admit you were wrong?
    I’m never wrong. Well, at least nothing in my adult years— I don’t go back to check if a movie I watched now (and hated) was improperly judged. I know I hated Gone With The Wind when I was younger because my sister would watch it like twice a day for weeks on end. When I rewatched it (as an adult) I grudgingly thought “That was a good movie.” But I still don’t think its worth the constant repeating.
  5. What is your biggest guilty pleasure movie – the one you’re ashamed you enjoy?
    Little Women, Mickey Blue Eyes and Pretty Woman (or Runaway Bride)

6 responses to “Good News Film Reviews Movie Meme”

  1. I thought Fillion had talent when he was on Two Guys and a Girl(after they dropped the Pizza Place) as Johnny, and I kept mixing him up with Jason Bateman. I wonder if studio execs make the same mistake. Hopefully “these aren’t the hammer” will get him more recognition.

    I forgot about Rena Sofer, and at one point last year I was watching her on Heroes and 24 sometimes on the same night! She really is one of those dark, flawless beauties a la Demi Moore, Jennifer Connelly, or Mia Kirshner.

    I can’t believe I forgot about Kong on giant life support; I may have blocked that from my memory or been kind in my rating. For the most part I just went to Netflix and ran through my 1 or 2 star movies. More of these should have come up.

    I thank my lucky stars you warned me about Beloved. If ever for some reason I was inclined to watch it, that mental image of Oprah solidifies my avoidance.

    Good quotes, too. I knew you’d have Yoda. Can’t believe I forgot the Venkman “Dogs and Cats” line on mine. I also should have had “Listen…you smell something?”

  2. Scott: seriously, every other scene aside (even the awful bit with the saw and what not) the bit that stayed with me was that scene. ::shudder::

    MCF: man it will be messed up if the roles he gets for “These Aren’t the Hammer” wind up being roles I would never, ever (ever?) want to see him in.

    That “Listen…you smell something?” would have been perfect.

  3. I’d forgotten about Beloved. It took an effort to do so, but I finally did it. Man, what an awful, awful film.

    The first half of it, I guess, wasn’t too bad … but the second 9 hours just drug on and on and on and on. And then, she peed.

  4. My wife just read your comment and said “my word, he’s so right, that movie NEVER ENDED!”

    It was like 5 plot lines jumping around and trying to blend and make some abomination that on the edges resembles a movie but the way it keeps going is more Monster-Like than anything else.

  5. How you think when the economic crisis will end? I wish to make statistics of independent opinions!