Links and Junk: Politics

palin. Blip on the radar: Palin cleared but no one notices (except maybe Jeremy who gets the hat tip).

voting. A Couple of black panthers (ninjas?) with clubs look scary in a Philadelphia voting locale. Cops show up, shoo one away (the other lives there). Fox News here. CNN Here. (HT: The write Jerry and Darrell.) MCF has some good words on voting with respect. Jeremy has some good words on voting even when you will lose in your area. Doug’s heart is in the right place but he links to a guy who has some crazy ideas about voting for Obama.

baracka. Obama on the coal industry. “Bankrupt them.” Worthy goals though.

socialweb. I started dabbling in twitter. It feels like Facebook status message without all the rest of the facebook coolness.

money. Save $1000 in 30 days.

ideology. Is there a lot of it in the US?