Months Thinger

MCF tagged me for this month thing where I

2 responses to “Months Thinger”

  1. You forgot to bold “Loves attention”, but I can see how March alone points out how astrology “works”. See, if I was born in March I would have ticked off “shy and reserved”. How do they have both of those items in the same month? There’s something in each one that applies to EVERYONE. Too funny.

    Thanks for playing!

  2. I actually don’t love attention. Sometimes I really can’t stand it when I’m forced to carry the conversation and I just want to drop in jokes here and there. Although if you were to say “explain singing Nirvana outloud in an elevator with Michael J. Fox!” or “explain singing anything out loud in public!” I’d be hard pressed trying to defend my point.

    Astrology is such a scam.