The 44

1. Were you named after anyone?
My father.

2. When was the last time you cried?
I think it was during an episode of Scrubs.

3. Why are you so fickle when it comes to women?

5 responses to “The 44”

  1. I don’t have a clue which episode of Scrubs actually. A couple come to my mind that make me misty-eyed thinking about it (one in particular) but I don’t think that was the one that made me cry since I saw that a couple of weeks back and my tear fest was like a few days ago.

    And according to Horton, he would have been putting Amazing into Grace before he heard the Who, before he even knew what a Who was and even before the world ever existed–and if Horton’s enemies were evil it was because they were made to be so before they ever existed. ::sigh::

  2. Actually the happy ending was finally turning it off and scratching it off my list. It was fun but absurdly dumb.