Electorial Woes

For arguments sake, let’s say we’re on the same political party; for the remainder of the article that’s what I’ll be. From a raving religious right Christian confirmative toting the Republican banner to a liberal left civil centralizing Democrat

2 responses to “Electorial Woes”

  1. This person is charismatic, has the potential to go far but when you research their position in interviews, their website you find a whole lot of rhetoric and very little actual plans.

    Sounds familiar. In fact, that sounds like the right mix to succeed in politics; it’s easy to counter actual plans with other actual plans. It’s impossible, however, to counter a dazzling smile.

    I totally get what you’re saying and I’m right there with you. Now and then I’ll do a little research and find a political candidate who I really like, someone who I think is actually a good person and a real leader. Those are the guys who typically draw about 0.000001% of the vote in the primaries.