Funny Guys: Obama and McCain


3 responses to “Funny Guys: Obama and McCain”

  1. Man, those guys have some great writers…so awesome to see a lighter side of the competition like this. It’d be nice if the voters could have a sense of humor and be more civil like this.

    Best McCain bit had to be about Democrats in NY pulling for him, then noting Hillary’s presence. And of course his bit at the end about not putting pressure on Obama with unrealistic expectations. Obama’s Krypton line killed me, as did the Alfred E. Neuman line, but “Barack Steve Obama” was great.

    I liked seeing friendlier rivalry, even if it was just for show. I don’t think I’ll feel too badly if my guy doesn’t win in November.

  2. I think that these clips show us a little more about the “real life” side of both of these guys. Yeah, they had writers … but they wouldn’t have delivered the jokes if they hadn’t enjoyed them themselves. If this is an indication of Obama’s and McCain’s senses of humor, they’re both funny, likable guys.

    Believe it or not, Bob Dole used to KILL at these kinds of functions. Dole was hilarious when he wanted to be.