A friend once said that the clinical definition of insanity is a person who repeatedly does the same exact thing while fully expecting different results. I don’t know how accurate that definition is but I do see his major premise: if you keep repeating the mistakes you are at the very least a moron. “Hello. My name is Rey.” (Hi Rey.) “I’m a moron.” (Smattering of welcoming applause.)
My Sienna had to be ready for my pending Florida trip. I was pressed for time. I was working on multiple jobs. I was writing up lists. And at the same time of all this insanity that is swirling around my overstuffed head and schedule, I rush into the Toyota dealer service center to get an oil change
But there were too many cars lined up in front. Apparently there’s a mass-migration to Florida (or maybe people just like to get their oil changed at the change of season). I remember that Wal-Mart has an Express-Lube center and would simultaneously allow me to do some last minute shopping. I drive over, nod at the short line and I smile.
Pause; rewind four years. Me taking my Camry to Jiffy Lube; them examining the car and noting possible failing transmission
7 responses to “Lube Me Up, Buttercup”
And people laugh at me for going to the dealer for an oil change because it’s a bit more expensive and not as fast as using Jiffy Lube. But the fact is, whenever I go to Jiffy Lube, I end up spending more money than at the dealer.
You should sue Wal-Mart. I hear they have money for that sort of thing.
It’s ridiculous how many places screw up something that’s really not that hard. Granted, my father’s a mechanic, but the last time we changed the oil in my car I did it with him directing me, and I’m definitely a moron with that stuff. It all lends credence to the whole “if you want something done right…” philosophy.
I should post an update. I went to the dealer who checked out the car and pulled out the little rinky-dinky filter Wal-Mart had put in. Thank God, no damage to the oil pan but I still plan to get my money back from them. This is actually the reason I don’t do oil changes myself–I can’t sue anyone if I mess up my own car.
Funny, I’ve never taken any of my cars to the dealer for routine oil changes and I’ve never experienced the kind of trouble you guys describe. Of course, I work for a company that actually makes those oil filters so I’ll frequently take my own for them to install.
I’m sure it doesn’t have anything to do with the part of the country you live in. (ok, ok, stop throwing those tomatoes… I apologize for being the crass and intolerant Southerner :) )
You know, sometimes you try to be funny and it just doen’t work out. I think my previous comment falls into that category.
Actually, since today is the first day in several that I was able to get internet access, I thought your comments were pretty funny.
I took my car to Walmart for an oil change before we left for vacation last summer. After arriving in Colorado Springs we pulled up to an attraction to pay, rolled down my window and heard the clatter of valve tappets. No oil. No leak. Had no trouble since. Thank God I put Slick 50 regularly in my cars. I believe I drove all that way from Oklahoma with an empty crankcase. No more Walmart.