Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day the Second

The project continues.

Under strict recommendations from a friend (Wendy, if you’re reading, I’ll be incorporating your advice later this week), I went out and bought a package of Instant Oats with Apples and Cinnamon. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the oats had a flavor but was crushed that said flavor was awful.

The consistency of the oats approached that of either baby porridge or pre-masticated turkey. I imagine that birds receiving their daily victuals enjoy the same from their mother birdy’s gullet.

My wife tells me that this is inherent to cooking in the microwave.

2 responses to “Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day the Second”

  1. For instant, the Maple & Brown Sugar variety is not too bad. If it’s too mushy in the microwave then just heat some water separately and pour it over the package contents.

    For better health benefits(why are you doing this, btw?) try the whole or rolled variety “Bob’s Red Mill” is a good brand. I’m avoiding sugar so I’ll throw a handful of blueberries on top and it’s pretty good.

  2. Thanks for the recommendation Brian and I will incorporate it into my quest for finding flavor to oats.

    The reason I’m doing it is because my cholesterol (particularly my LDL and Triglycerides) were too high. I tried a low carb diet for a few months and it didn’t fix the triglyceride levels so the doctor put me on meds for 3 months. I don’t want to be on meds so I’m changing diet and lifestyle so that my numbers are drastically changed then I’m going to ask her to be off meds.

    So I’m embracing Oats (ugh).