I tried the Apples and Cinnamon oats again.
This time I tried cooking them on the stove top since the microwave made them disgustingly mushy. For a half-happy moment the oats looked like they would have an enjoyable texture, but, like a sun going nova and finally collapsing on itself, the oats lost that consistency and looked more like that turkey glop I mentioned the other day. My wife tells me that this is the nature of instant oats; that she refuses to eat the stuff preferring her oats plain, perhaps with raisins.
I told her that the concept of eating “raw oats” is both abhorrent and likely unbiblical: I’m searching Leviticus for proof.
On another note, my daughter seems interested in the oats and I feel I should expose her and the eldest to the unique flavor at this early stage of their lives. Perhaps I can curb any future hatred.
5 responses to “Oats, How I Hate Thee: Day the Third”
You’d think you were writing about broccoli or something nasty…is it really all that different from granola bars, cheeri-o’s, or oatmeal cookies?
Dude, as a test do as follows: Open up dad’s breakfast nook; move away the heart-healthy cereal boxes; reach all the way in the back and grab the unopened box of oats your mother got him a year or two ago (it might still be fine); boil it with a pinch of salt; bite it.
I guarantee you will swear my death.
He goes through those Quaker cylinders pretty quickly, actually. I just bought him one a few weeks ago, so maybe I’ll try some this weekend if there’s any left.
O/T: Why is your blog so slow-loading lately? I thought it was my home connection but it’s the only site that takes so long to load, and happens when I’m on a faster connection too.
I’m going to turn off my template to see if that’s the problem; I’ve noticed it myself.
Let me know if you notice a big speed difference.