Sarah Palin Rumors

Huge hat tip to Jeremy for linking to these sites. The first is one that focuses on the sexist commentary toward/around/about Sarah Palin. There’s nothing wrong with submitting a vice presidential candidate to scrutiny but some of this scrutiny is simply ridiculous. Like newspaper articles that focus on the fashionable way she dresses–ridiculous stuff like that.

The second is a (growing) list of rumors that have been flying around and which answers them and often links to evidence.  Some of it even made its way into my Facebook discussion.

Anyway, here are some samples from the list:

23. No, she’s doesn’t believe that the Iraq War was directed by God. Yes, she did pray that proceeding with the war was God’s will: “they should pray ‘that our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God, that’s what we have to make sure we are praying for, that there is a plan, and that plan is God’s plan.’” (Ever hear the phrase “Not my will, but Thine, be done”?) Yes, this apparently freaks some people right out.

50. No, she doesn’t believe in “abstinence only” education. Yes, she thinks abstinence is an effective way of preventing pregnancy. Duh. Yes, she believes kids should learn about condom use in schools.

37. No, she didn’t cut funding for unwed mothers; yes, she did increase it by “only” 354 percent instead of 454 percent, as part of a multi-year capital expenditures program. No, the Washington Post doesn’t appear to have corrected their story. Even after this was pointed out in the comments on the story.

Anyone else getting annoyed by my incessant politics posts?

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2 responses to “Sarah Palin Rumors”

  1. CNN had a “story” on earlier this evening about Sarah’s glasses, how expensive they are, how they compare to Tina Fey, and how the average woman on the street feels about them. I had to doublecheck that I wasn’t watching Access Hollywood or Entertainment Tonight. WTF is wrong with our country?

    I also found myself telling Wolf Blitzer to shut up a lot. Shut up, Wolf Blitzer.

  2. >Anyone else getting annoyed by my incessant politics posts?<

    Dude, I’m a political junkie. Politics is my version of sports and this is Superbowl time for me. Keep it up, I’m lovin’ it.

    Hey, I think I just gave myself an idea for a post at my own blog.