Crispy Black Pancakes

I can cook. That


7 responses to “Crispy Black Pancakes”

  1. Dude, I’ve got a killer recipe for blintzes (crepes) that I got from my grandpa. It’s our Saturday family tradition. E-mail me if you want it!

  2. Hey–hope all is well.

    I had to crack up because I am a good cook–but pancakes are something I cannot make either. I have tried to make the batter from scratch, I have tried Bisquick, I have tried Aunt Jamima, I have tried different griddles. I just don’t have the knack. It’s a joke in my house that if my husband wants pancakes, he has to go to the diner…and while he is there, he orders the other thing I cannot make to save my life, eggs over-easy.

    Oh well–at least your dear wife can make them. We are helpless when it comes to pancakes in our house.

    Keep on cooking!

  3. Jungle Pop, I’m dropping you a line now.

    Elaina, hoping this pancake problem wasn’t like something genetic or racial I asked my spanish mother and she and my father said “nope, we make good pancakes: you must be doing something wrong.” And like the spanish parents they are they proceeded to list all the things I may be doing wrong. Heh.

  4. I’m going to say definitely not racial. You have Spanish covered….I am half-Jewish, half WASP, married to an Italian. Between the two of us–that is a nice chunk of the map. Don’t tell me all those people can’t make a decent pancake. It would be pancake chaos!