Junk and Junk

Surprising the heck out of MCF. Some of the other stuff wasn’t posting right so:

Look, read, and learn. *******

2. Be, EXCELLENT to each other. *******

3. Don’t let money change ya! *****

4. Always reply to your comments. ****

5. Link liberally


2 responses to “Junk and Junk”

  1. I’m stunned, not only that you were one of the ones to do this, but that you’re MORE addicted to blogging. I guess I’d have a higher score if I lived in the woods. ;-)

    There were some other fun quizzes I wanted to post, but the code wasn’t compatible on my blog either.

  2. Yeah, the blogging one was a bit wack. Like sure, I’ve talked to family to blog but that’s because I have a sister who sends out ridiculously long updates on her life and its easier for me to tell her to get a blog; yet that’s something someone in your situation couldn’t do (i mean, it would be odd if you tried to get your dad or uncle to blog, wouldn’t it?).

    So the quizzes fail at the most important part: the one who is creating the quiz pressupposes too many things. Like, of course i may not have fired a gun before but if my life is in danger of dinner, death or zombification (or all three in that order), will I be good at it? And is posting about the reality of hell and the problems of the Judicial branch of the government really G-rated?

    Of course, my deep analysis of all this should (if anything) bolster my geek rating.