MCF’S Another Poll of Randomosity

MCF’s Questions and answers here and my answers after the jump.

1) If you’ve seen Terminator Salvation, what was your favorite homage/reference to the previous films?
I pretty much liked all of them. Guns and Roses had me smiling but I was blown away by another scene that I won’t say. in all honesty, the movie was done so well that most kids that see it Today don’t even realize they’re references to the previous movies. My teenage niece probably thought the G&R was noisy tripe to attract bad guys.

2) If you had to lose one of your senses, which would you prefer?
Smell probably. Or my Seventh Sense which is beyond my Sixth Sense and so MindBoggling that I can’t even name it.

3) What’s that noise?
Nothing good.

4) Is it possible to be too polite?
Yes. When Polite becomes Too Polite it is because it’s either masochistic or passive aggressive.

5) Do you ever cancel out your own actions?
Only when I leap back in time and accidentally change something that I must quickly change back before I either (a) erase myself from existence or (b) have every molecule in the multi-verse imploding at the speed of light.

6) Do you have any sixes?
No. Only Seven of Nine.

7) If a man had a hat, and the hat was tan, what is the square root of 144?
Depends. Is the man British or African.

8) What is your least favorite color?
Toss up between Purple and Green and Yellow.

9) Does being confident make you cool?
I don’t think so. I’m absurdly confident (and there’s pictures on Facebook to prove that my confidence knows no bounds) but that, unsurprisingly, kept me unCool. My High School and College dating track record can prove that.

10) What’s the worst thing about the new Fall television schedule?
Probably that Chuck and Heroes in the same time-slot bit. I’m looking forward to V though.