MCF’s Poll of Randomosity

Figured I’d do MCF”s Poll of Randomosity because it gave me a chuckle.

1) When you see Kurtwood Smith, do you think ”Red Forman” or ”Clarence Boddicker”?
I still think Clarence. I kept expecting him to do something insane on 24. Upsetting.

2) Do our social roles during our school years lock us in to who we will be for the rest of our lives?
No. My social role back then was that of a geeky butterfly which hovers around video games, friends, and tries to trail after ladyfolk who walked about unaware of my existence. Today, I’m still into video games and talking to people but have a hot wife. Cycle broken high-five.

3) Do you typically come to a full stop at a Stop Sign?
No; usually after it.

4) Which is prettier: a sunrise or a sunset?
Depends. Sunset can usually be appreciated due to its lack of brightness, but if you ever get a chance to watch a sunrise over a mass of water—worth it. Still think sunset is purdier though.

5) On a recent episode of Reaper, one of the characters uses Les Nessman as a fake name. On a recent 30 Rock, a character was referred to as a ”Radar O’Reilly”. I love such pop culture nods, but as I’m getting older, I wonder: does anyone under the age of 30 get these references?
Probably not. They’re the in-jokes thrown into Bugs Bunny cartoons so that the parents can have a chuckle. What does THAT tell you?

6) Does your imagination ever cause you to wince?
Only when I blink and note the body on the floor before me and the warm blood on my knuckles…

7) Is there a place in science fiction for more fantastic elements such as intervention from a higher power, celestial beings, or shared visions?
I think so. Sci-fi geeks think not.

8) Baked or original Doritos?
Baked are yummy; original are delicious in their own right: NOMA comes to mind.

9) Can crazy people see this question?

10) Does anyone still use rotary phones?
MCF. I have a phone that looks like a rotary phone but it’s a touch-pad

11) Should the Poll go up to 11?
Nah, keep it at 10.  Good round number.

(B13, Scott and Lorna’s is over yonder; here’s Darrel’s)

One response to “MCF’s Poll of Randomosity”

  1. I’m still waiting for Ronny Cox to show up on 24 as either a corrupt senator or a corrupt businessman.

    Are you saying Reaper and 30 Rock are children’s shows with a few jokes thrown in for people our age to get?

    I’m kind of disappointed that Subway swapped baked for original Dorito’s, but then I’m used to being disappointed in Subway by now.