So Hot: My Celeb Look-Alikes

I decided to try some alternate shots to see what I get:

Two Conclusions, the first is news to me and the second is unsurprising. I apparently look like Tom Clancy (Or parts of me do anyway). Second is that my wife is Hot in profile or head on: I didn’t need a test to tell me that.


5 responses to “So Hot: My Celeb Look-Alikes”

  1. Were you giddy when Amidala and 7-of-9 showed up? And did you delete the inevitable Alphonso Ribeiro from your second set? You look skinnier in the first shot though; moving to the woods clearly agrees with you. ;)

  2. See, now the way we know that their system is totally screwy is that the picture in the top left corner of Rey’s Look-a-like chart 1 looks more like me than it does Rey, and Rey and I look nothing at all alike!

  3. I think this thing just looks at bits and compares it to other photos and then it tallies those bits. Honestly MCF and George Clooney? Please.

    So no, Alphonso didn’t come up and yes, Jerry and I were separated at birth. We’re twins.

  4. I know it’s out of character for me to think I look like anyone other than Danny Devito or Rob Schneider, but I kind of see the Clooney resemblance. You know, if I squint at it. A lot.