Ten Things That I Would Like To Do

  1. Hang out in the city with my wife and kids ala scoboco.
  2. Take my wife and kids and backpack through Europe.
  3. Play phenom music. Like Clapton guitar and Connick piano. Sorry, MCF, no tuba.
  4. Become an art master comparable to the Greats (without ripping their work): Caravaggio, Chermayeff, Rackham, and Ross.
  5. Publish my trilogy. I absolutely hate re-writing it (again).
  6. Publish a good (for the lack of a better word even though I’m in complete disagreement with the term) lay commentary on the entire Bible. I absolutely hate writing it.
  7. Become a Jedi Master who runs around and fights and stuff. Maybe slay the Bugs. Not dark side Jedi Master. I don’t want my son to come back some fifteen years from now and duel me to the death.
  8. Build a castle. A real one.
  9. Score big on the lottery without ever buying a ticket. (I have to afford my Europe trip, my castle and building a lightsaber somehow).
  10. Get my hand on the Infinity Gauntlet. With it I can conquer the Bugs. Barring that I’d like to throw something at my tv (The original Nutty Professor is on again). I do feel that number 10 is being wasted because of this distraction, so I’ll just go ahead an post this.
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