Bell Six: The North Tower
Ten years ago today, at 10:28 A.M, the North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. I know lives that were lost.
Bell Five: United Airlines Flight 93
Ten years ago today, at 10:03 A.M, after having retaken control of the plane, the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 brought the airplane down away from any other potential targets crashing into a field in Pennsylvania.
Bell Four: The South Tower
Ten years ago today, at 9:58 A.M, the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.
Bell Three: American Airlines Flight 77
Ten years ago today, at 9:37 A.M., American Airlines Flight 77 was crashed into the Pentagon by Muslim hijackers.
Bell Two: United Airlines Flight 175
10 years ago today, at 9:03 A.M, United Airlines Flight 175 was flown into The World Trade Center by the 5 Muslim Hijackers.
Bell One: American Airlines Flight 11
10 years ago today, at 8:46 A.M, American Airlines Flight 11 was flown into The World Trade Center by the 5 Muslim Hijackers.
September 11, 2001: A Day Not To Be Forgotten
Today, Americans are horrified, scared, united and incensed. This day will reverberate throughout this generation’s future history: it is our day of infamy.