Tag: kids

  • 10 Reasons Why We Home School

    Upon revealing that my wife and I home school our children, we find ourselves in heavy crossfire with an emphasis on us doing wrong by our kids. It’s interesting that the harshest attacks come from (1) single people, (2) childless people, (3) old people who grew up during an age where schools were still good,…

  • 5 Initially Wrongheaded (But Potentially Contextually Understandable) Reasons to Home School

    I was planning to post this after my 10 reasons to home school, and even after my 5 stupid reasons to opt out of home school in favor of public school, but I faced another problem. What if home schooling parents started offering their opinions of what they thought were good reasons to opt out…

  • Weird Kiddo Convo: The Play

    Here’s a weird conversation the kids had today which I just had to save.

  • Confusing Characters

    “Wow, Saul really did Bad Stuff to David. Hunting him. Throwing a spear at him. Wanting to kill him.” “Yes, Sy: Saul was a bad king. A very jealous man.” “But at least, in the end he turned good and started telling everybody about Jesus.” “What? No, Saul never did that, Sy.” “But, Don’t you…

  • Emma

    “Her name is Emma.” Sy was looking out the window from the backseat of my car when he said that. We were driving back from school and it was after those momentary breaks in conversation where both parties aren