Brands, Halos, and Life
It takes a while, maybe even a few years, but eventually—after the destruction of the second death star, after the death of the Emperor and after Nien Nunb and Lando are cackling—you start wondering about who you were rooting for. These insurgents not only bucked under the authority of Government but they joined hands with…
Laws of E-Debate
Many years ago, so the story goes, Newton was bopped on the head by a falling apple and immediately came up with several Laws of Physics. Years later, Einstein was bopped in the head with Time and came up with the Law of Relativity. On the Internet forum I participate in, I have been verbally…
Begging Which Question?
Once upon a time, folk would stand in a circle, before an audience, and debate things. No, not Jerry Springer. I’m talking about the Old Days before TV. To establish the grounds for the debate the two folk arguing would first state what they’re arguing for (or against) and then proceed with given statements. The…
Words That Never Prove Your Point
You ever been to work or maybe a message board when someone has an argument and proves their point in such a way that you’re left scratching your head? Or maybe you have siblings that have triumphantly left the room and you don’t know why: it feels like they won but you’re not sure? Or…